Welcome to Your Transformation

You’re a woman who strives for excellence, balancing the demands of a successful career with a desire for a deeply fulfilling personal life. You’re ready for a profound transformation that aligns your outer achievements with your inner values. At FeJonesLive, we are dedicated to helping you achieve this holistic success.

Discover the Power Within

Imagine a life where your professional success is matched by personal fulfillment. Our coaching is designed to unlock your potential and create lasting change across all areas of your life. With our guidance, you will:

Achieve Unmatched Success

Elevate your career and personal goals through tailored strategies that leverage your unique strengths.

Transform Challenges into Triumphs

Turn obstacles into opportunities for growth, building resilience and confidence along the way.

Cultivate a Balanced Lifestyle

Develop habits and routines that support both your professional ambitions and personal well-being.

Lead with Purpose and Passion:

Align your actions with your deepest values, making a meaningful impact in your life and the lives of others.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...


You want to gain clarity and direction with customized strategies that propel you toward your goals.


You want to build the mental and emotional strength needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence.


You want to connect with your inner values and purpose, ensuring that your success is rooted in what truly matters to you.


You want to experience joy and satisfaction in all areas of your life, creating a balanced and enriched existence.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!

Working together for your better life!

Join a Community of Empowered Women

Our clients are high-achieving women who have transformed their lives through our coaching. They have embraced their strengths, overcome their challenges, and created a life of balance and fulfillment. Are you ready to join them?

Take the First Step

Schedule your discovery call today and embark on a journey of profound transformation with FeJonesLive. Together, we will create a life that not only meets but exceeds your aspirations, aligning your professional success with your personal and spiritual growth.


Our Client Reviews

Working with Fe has absolutely changed my life and all of my relationships. I used to be so angry all the time. I had a short to non-existent fuse on my anger. Once I started receiving coaching from Fe and working through my childhood trauma, I learned to manage and control my emotions. She's taught me better ways to communicate my feelings, needs, and boundaries to create some of the best relationships with my parents, my children, and my husband. I can not recommend making the investment in coaching to better yourself more! You won't be sorry.

Working with Fe has been a transformative experience for me. Her coaching on marketing, blogging, and list building helped me take my business to the next level. Beyond professional growth, Fe guided me in deepening my relationship with God and strengthening my marriage. Her holistic approach and unwavering support have truly changed my life. I highly recommend her coaching to any woman seeking both personal and professional transformation.

There are so many different types of coaching styles I have dealt with except a coach who is in tune with the spirit to coach you. And that is who Fe is. To have a coach that can transition from being gentle to firm to kind and most of the time challenging you and still remain true to its core is very rare. The only negative thing I have to say is, if you are not ready to grow, to cry, to be challenged, to reach mental levels you never even knew existed don’t do it. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes sacrifices and this coach will go as far as you allow her to go. It’s not for the weak. There are areas in my life that have been healed and have allowed me to excel in business because of the work put in to my coaching session. I highly recommend her!

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